Treasure of Minnesota
One mans trash is another mans treasure !

My dad started a junkyard back in the late 50's and had up to 150 cars in the valley behind the house at one point.
He loved his old Fords.  My brother and I grew up around all the old cars and definitely love them too.
We've dug almost a dozen flatheads out of the weeds and a couple of them have been Mercurys.
It is like a treasure hunt. Some of the cars were his, some were mine, and some were my brothers



Here's a shot of my old '53 and another shot of a Maverick my brother and I used to run around in.
When Mavericks lay in the weeds for too many years and you hook a chain onto them, they pull apart in the center.
Then you load them on the trailer with a tractor bucket in two pieces.

Also included a shot of a '57 Chevy convertible we had. It was so rusty and crumbly that when my brother
and I loaded it onto the trailer, there was enough room to stuff an old Renault behind it.
That should make some bowtie boys cry a little...







Mike sent me these treasure pictures with story from Minnesota.
Thanks Mike.

Do you have junkyard pictures that you want to share, just drop me a line !